Enforcement Policy

  1. Informal: Any member of the Association may initiate an informal complaint for violation of any of the Association Rules, Declaration or By-Laws. These informal complaints may be given to any Committee Chairperson, Board Member, or the Management Company. The strongest action that may be taken on an informal complaint is a letter from the Board to the party requesting compliance with the Rules.
  2. Formal: Any member of the Association may initiate a formal complaint for violation of any of the Association Rules, Declaration or By-Laws. A formal complaint must be in writing, setting forth as much information as possible, and must be signed. These complaints may be given to any Board Member or sent to the Management Company. After a review by the Enforcement Committee, if a violation is found, then a letter will be sent to the member cited stating the following:
    • A written complaint has been received.
    • The condition must be corrected within fifteen (15) days unless otherwise specified by the Committee.
    • They have the right to object to the complaint as being valid, in which case they must do so in writing by requesting a hearing before the Enforcement Committee. This Committee will consist of one (1) Board Member and two (2) or more homeowners in good standing.
    • The hearing must be held within thirty (30) days of receipt of the request.
    • If no appeal request is submitted within ten (10) days, the complaint will be considered valid.
    • The Enforcement Committee will recommend dismissal of the charge or levying the fine. The violator will be given a fifteen (15) day period to correct the offense without being fined. If not corrected within the 15 day period, then a fine may be assessed (see fines penalties). This recommendation will be made to the Board for formal action at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Any decision then made by the Board is final.
    • Violation of any of the Rules and Regulations will result in a written warning and/or fines.
  3. Non-compliance: In the event that an owner or tenant does not comply with the violation notice and/or fines, the Board may take legal action against the owner for collections of the fines and compliance with the Association’s Documents. Any expense associated with legal action and the collection of fines assessed, including court costs, attorney fees, etc., which may be incurred by the Association, shall be added to the complaint.