Snow Info

The township plows Whitman Drive and Braeburn Lane, and requests that NO parked vehicles be left there during a snow or ice storm.  Do not park in the “drive areas” of any of the Courts or Mews.  We will need these areas clear for emergency vehicles and snow plows.

The BCA is responsible for the sidewalks along these roads, as well as common ground sidewalks (Heather Court inside loop and spokes to the road, and the Barn-to-Winterset Court/Harvest Mews paths).

Historically, due to cost, BCA has not cleared sidewalks. Due to recent insurance claims, the BCA Board of Directors has decided to remove the snow and pay for it in a way that allows the community to voluntarily reduce its cost.

Every homeowner or tenant at home at the time when snow plows are about to clear parking areas and streets should move their cars to assist in the clearing. Though not mandatory this will help reduce common ground snow removal costs. See policy below.

Brookside’s snow removal contractor will clear roadways within 12 hours after the snow has stopped falling with an accumulation of at least 2 inches.  Common area mailboxes, sidewalks and the school bus stop will be cleared within 24 hours.  Ice storms create a different set of problems and are particularly challenging to clear.  All salt products (rock salt, Halite) used to deice sidewalks cause some physical and chemical altering of the dolomite coarse aggregate of the concrete.  As temperatures drop below freezing, salts ice melting performance slows substantially.  It will not melt ice at temperatures below 22 degrees.  If you need to use salt, please use it sparingly.

Any complaints should be directed to Brookside’s board of directors via this website at , and not the snow removal company.  Immediate complaints should be directed to Continental Property Management at:  215-343-1550


In October, 1994, the Board adopted the following policy:

  1. Residents are responsible for snow removal on their own property and moving their cars for snowplows.
  2. The snow removal budget shall be set for the clearing of common ground roadways.
  3. Snow removal on common ground will be performed when the snow reaches 2 inches or ice accumulates and will be automatically engaged by the subcontractor; road-clearing within 12 hours, sidewalks within 24 hours.
  4. Snow removal from common ground walkways, including mailboxes as well as the school bus pickup area shall be subcontracted on a labor-hour basis, allowing for the community to reduce its cost by voluntary snow removal efforts.
  5. The cost of snow removal greater than the approved budget shall be collected by the addition of a special assessment placed equally onto the association dues of each resident.
  6. The application of salt will be avoided, but used if temperature or other conditions prevent the use of urea.